"Rachel is a baby whisperer!! She was so good with our daughter. She captured our hearts with each shot." - Melina

Newborn Client Guide

Session Day Preparation


A newborn session usually takes about 1 - 4 hours depending on your package. We ask that you feed the baby right before leaving home. Babies generally feed every 2-3 hours, therefore; feeding right before a session can sometimes guarantee an uninterrupted session. With that being said, babies are babies and quite often will have growth spurts and feed more often during a photography session. If the baby is fully fed, but still may seem hungry during the session, we will take a break to feed the baby.


It is very important to understand that we believe in baby-led newborn sessions, which means that we never force or deny a feeding.


It is very important that you bring extra milk - bottles or pumped milk. Even if you're exclusively breastfeeding, having some extra milk on hand for the session can be incredibly helpful, especially if your little one tends to snack throughout the day. Moms are more than welcome to pump during the session if they need some relief.


Bottle warmers, wipes, spare diapers and new pacifiers are available in case you need them.


Newborn Packing List


• dress baby in loose pyjamas
• spare diapers (minimum 4)
• baby blanket
• baby wipes (we have warm wipes in case you forgot)
extra milk
• any newborn keepsakes or special items you would like to incorporate in some images


Even though your baby normally does not take a pacifier, please bring it just in case. Newborn sessions are new to your baby and they often want to self-soothe by sucking more often than normal. Using a pacifier during a session will not encourage bad habits - we promise!


Nursing Food Suggestions


What a mom eats affects what is in the milk, if you breastfeed. We ask that you keep a bland diet 24-48 hours before your session. Please eat comfort foods such as bread, pasta, potatoes and whole grains to keep your baby comfortable.

Here is the list of foods to avoid 48 hours before the session to prevent your baby from being gassy. Please use at your own discretion and consult professional help when needed:


• citrus fruits - cranberries, pineapple, grapefruit, oranges, lemons, strawberries, all berries

• acidic food - tomatoes or tomato products, chocolate, nuts, pizza, spaghetti, chilli, tacos/spicy/Mexican food/salsa and ketchup

• gassy vegetables - asparagus, onions, cucumbers/pickles, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage

• restrict foods - soda, coffee, wine, beer


Baby Safety and Composites


It is important to understand that we take baby safety very seriously. Most complicated images are composites and not all babies are able to bend in all poses. Some poses require our spotters and sometimes even the aid of the parents.


The Newborn and Family Wardrobe


We have various props for newborns including headbands, wraps, baskets, bonnets, stuffies, backdrops, etc. We do suggest that you email us if you have special ideas or requests.


We also ask you to email us some images from our website or social media pages that appeal to you to give us an idea of the types of images you would like created.


Moms are welcome to use our gowns if prefer. When bringing your own clothing for yourself, your partner and/or siblings, we suggest solid colour clothing in a similar tone that is void of any distracting patterns.


Things to be Aware of


Many babies do not sleep through their session. Some are wide awake the entire time! We can usually still achieve some amazing images, especially if they are wrapped!


Babies are babies and they will cry! We do everything we can to soothe and comfort them and surround them with a comfortable environment. We have been working with over 2000 newborn babies and know many soothing techniques and tips.


Our priority is ensuring you feel completely relaxed during your session. Newborns often pick up on your energy, so the more relaxed and comfortable you are, the calmer your baby will be throughout the session.


Toddlers may not cooperate for sibling photos or family photos. Children are children, and we do the best we can when working with them of any age. We have quite a few tricks up our sleeves and with your permission, we can offer them treats or incentives for capturing sweet images.


We retouch baby skin - removing acne, red spots, jaundice, etc. If your baby has too much dry skin, we may put baby lotion so we have some smooth spots to patch from for editing.


If your baby just got circumcised, we can still photograph your baby as long as he is healing well. Most babies have healed by their session. Many parents use vaseline or another gel that the doctor has recommended for healing. We will keep the area protected and we can avoid naked images if you wish. Please feel free to discuss this with us during your session.


If your baby still has the umbilical cord, we take extra care and will have no problem photographing your baby. When your baby is wrapped, we wrap your baby with the diaper on and cover the cord so that it does not catch on the fabric. When your baby is naked, we position your baby in a way to keep it protected. We are very cautious with newborn babies and we are aware of the post-delivery care that is needed.


We look forward to working with you and creating a magical experience for you!

Newborn Guideline

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We are a boutique baby studio specializing in newborn photography, baby photography, and maternity photography serving in Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Richmond, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Surrey, Langley, Delta, Maple Ridge, White Rock, Fraser Valley area, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, downtown Vancouver, Lions Bay, Squamish, and Whistler.